
one finger is all it takes

One moment, you are admiring the beautiful wedding ring on my finger- a lasting union that makes you who you are- thinking how truly lucky to have found The One while the rest of the world walks through life's bottomless pit; and the next, you are carelessly using that sentimental bottle of perfume he purchased when you first fell in love to cover the poop smell coming from the diaper pail.

That's when I knew I was done.

Today, I hit the send button on my income and expense statement to my attorney. The first step in the settlement process. It is so strange to actually be going through these motions. I know all the signs were there from the beginning but I never thought in million years I would actually one day take a step over to the other side of that 50%. I'm just a number now, a cold statistic.

And, he doesn't even know yet.

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